Bob Dean's AlienUFOINFOBob Dean's Alien

Point Top 5% Web Site UFOINFO is an attempt to bring together as much information as possible for those of us who are interested in the subject of Ufology.

In these pages I will endeavour to provide you with contact addresses and details of UFO Organisations, Magazines, Conferences, Booksellers and more. As this site progresses I will attempt to provide more in-depth details for each entry with a link to a separate page if necessary (as per the details for ISCNI and UFONET).

Please note that inclusion in these pages is FREE!


A photo of me. The alien mentioned in the caption below! This site originally started 2nd January 1996

Icon: Mailbox (John Hayes)
In the unlikely event of you having a problem with the e-mail
address above, I can be contacted via:

Is this proof
of alien life?

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